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Media Alert

Dr. Louis Perron is a frequent analyst on election campaigns and political marketing. His analyses have been published in media outlets in the USA, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Ecuador and the Philippines. Please use this form if you wish to receive free alerts on new publications.
Television: I wish to receive an alert on new television appearances. They are usually in English or German.
Trade journal articles: I wish to receive an alert on new trade journal articles. Most of this is in English or German.
Newspaper articles: I wish to receive an alert on newspaper articles. Most of this is in German or French. You will receive an alert approximately every other week.
Radio: I wish to receive an alert on radio interviews. Most of this is in German, some in French. On the average, you will receive an alert several times a week.
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Perron Campaigns Election Update

We publish an occasional free newsletter, the Perron Campaigns Election Update. In each issue, we address a topic in the area of election campaigns, political marketing or public affairs. Please use this form if you want to join the 3,000 readers worldwide.

There are three versions of the update. Each one has different content. You can choose to receive one or several versions.

German: This version of the update is in German. It has an emphasis on Swiss campaigns and elections.
English: This version of the update is in English. It is geared towards a worldwide audience that is interested in campaigns, winning elections and political marketing.
English Philippines: This version of the update is in English and discusses mostly Philippine politics and elections.
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